If you have deposited funds into your account and you cannot locate the funds, kindly ensure that the following has been checked:
Using Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC),Ethereum (ETH), Tether (USDT/ERC20), Dogecoin (DOGE), Ripple (XRP):
The right address has been inputted.
It is the first time you are using the address and not using an address we have provided you in the past (Even it with provided it to you in the same day).
It is not Bitcoin Cash (BCH).
A minimum of 3 hours has passed since you have made the deposit or you have received 3-6 confirmations on the Blockchain network.- Check the transaction through its respective Block explorer.
Using a Debit/Credit Card for Bitcoin (3rd Party Platforms):
Input the 16-digit number correctly.
Input the correct name that is on the card.
Input the correct Expiry date.
Input the correct card verification code (CVC). The 3 digits on the back of the card.
Input the correct Verified By Visa (VBV) or Mastercard Secure code correctly (if prompted).
A minimum of 3 hours has passed since you have made the deposit or you have received 3-6 confirmations on the Blockchain network.
Check the www.blockchain.com website. Enter the Bitcoin address in the search.